
Showing posts from August, 2014

Touch the Sky

"...for the day I die, I'mma touch the sky..." These are the Kanye West lyrics that flow out of my computer's speakers and gets me thinking about what are my goals, dreams and aspirations.  I certainly can say that my goals, dreams, aspirations, etc. have changed so much within the last 2 years. I have gone from not wanting to purchase a house to wanting to purchase a house, from continuing to work in the legal field to wanting to enter different fields (yes not one field but several fields). I really want to spread my wings and fly. I want to reach everything I set my mind to.  I just have to put effort and hard work.  Here are some of the projects I'm currently working on: 1. Purchasing a house: I started saving money. This is the hardest thing to do since bills need to paid and I like to live very comfortably . However, since I want to purchase a house, living comfortably has been put on hold. I'm giving up a comfortable life for a great life. So, I t

Cruise to Grand Cayman

At the end of June, some of my friends and I went on a cruise to Grand Cayman.  The cruise was supposed to be an Alpha Phi Reunion however some of my sisters couldn't make it. The show continued.  The cruise was for 5 days and 4 nights.  On the first day, I couldn't relax.  I was worried about some deadlines at work. Yes I know, I shouldn't be worried about work but hey, I can't help it. The second day was better and got to relax a bit. We went to Key West and did a few tourist things. We went to the Little White House and I learn some new things about  President Harry S. Truman   Here we are having a laugh with President Harry S. Truman. Third day, we were out to sea so we got to enjoy all of the ship's activities like rock climbing.  I've never done rock climbing before and let me tell you it's hard. I have strong legs but no upper body strength.  I didn't make it to the top but there's always next time. Fourth day, we got to sw

FINALLY! Labor Day Weekend Cruise video finish!

This video took me about a year to complete!!!!!! The reason it took me soooooo long is because I put huge amounts of pressure on myself to meet my extremely high expectations. As I worked on the video, I kept on questioning myself on my creation and would it be good enough to make public?  The questioning continued EVERY time I would work on the video.  After numerous edits, I realize that the reason I do these videos is for me and my enjoyment. So that one day I can look back and enjoy them, laugh and re-visit those moments that may or may not have faded away.  And if people like my video then it's icing on the cake.  As of right now, I am happy with the end result and look forward on working on other videos and projects.